a textbook case of misappropiation and revenge

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Posted by MQracing [ ] on December 23, 2005 at 22:51:38:

Dug wrtoe:

:::I am not going to cease tearing down and modifying OPTx's. I will continue to note their origin, when speaking of them. I am *NOT* going to sell them, and am not in the Iron business. If somebody else wants to do the same thing I have done, why should I stand in their way? or require them to destroy another original? Or send them to you, so you can make up some bullshit answer about why you can't do what they want? How helpful is that? or for that matter, productive for you?:::

I think this is almost a classic case of misappropiation.

::::MISAPPROPRIATION [unfair competition]. A common law form of unfair competition in which an individual or firm copies or appropriates some creation of another that is not protected by patent, copyright, or trademark law.::::

It's unethical behaviour. I noticed that the preamble to ART on it's homepage states that it is intended to be a "friendly place for both industry partcipants as well as enthusiasts and hobbyists"...

Allowing individuals who feel aggrieved to come to ART and use it as their venue for exacting revenge and\or punishment of an industry particpant because that person\company would not accede to his particular demands... woud lead only to ART being viewed as a rogue forum by many manufacturers. And would lead to greater mischief and strife than we already have on the forums.

Doug, I have spoken to more than a few manufacturer's who pray that they will never fall on your radar screen... that if they would fail to meet your every demand then you will come over here on ART and punish them and\or abuse their namesake and goodwill so that you can "even the score" or that you will decide to offer "modified" copies of their wares and then use their name and goodwill to hawk your illicit copies.

This is (at least in part) what did got you kicked off of AA. And you simply packed up that same suitcase of prejuidice, hate, and malevolence and transported it here to ART.

Hopefully, Wayne will not permit his forums to be abused in this manner.


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