Re: The One, The Only, The True Original, The Master

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on July 13, 2004 at 19:23:44:

In Reply to: Re: The One, The Only, The True Original, The Master posted by Wayne Parham on July 11, 2004 at 23:18:57:

Hey Funny but I sent away for the free sample foil last year. I still have some. I placed it on the CD label side down as per instructions and listened. I would try it again but the sample is so small and I can't remmember which CD I used it on. I still have a couple of pieces somewhere, it was actually real nice looking. It reminded me of those old fashioned bicycle reflectors, you know, the one's with the multi-colors that stuck to the handlebars. If you want a piece I can send it but it is real small, like the shine'y little photo on your credit card; come to think of it what do they do with those old cards; HMMM. ( It's a bargain at 90$ a square inch)


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