Re: Dover PA Judge; Intelligent Design is,"Breathtaking Inanity."

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on December 21, 2005 at 08:21:42:

In Reply to: Re: Dover PA Judge; Intelligent Design is,"Breathtaking Inanity." posted by Leland Crooks on December 21, 2005 at 06:23:32:

Geez; thats good stuff. And I thought I was wandering in the land of the lost here.
The Religous thing belongs in church not in the political arena. You want to play politics; pay TAXES. Ralph Reed gave a speech years ago when he was weaseling his way up the religous corporate ladder about how they needed to get control of all the local schoolboards and how they need to use stealth candidates to disorient the voters.
This judge had some really funny things to say about how they are supposed to be christians but they lied on the stand about their motives and who did they think they were fooling? Amazing.
I think the best thing to do is let them speak publicly so we can shine a light on their subversive activities.
I just picture some Asian kid whose family came here to take advantage of the educational possibilities and the kid comes home from his science class talking about some mickey-mouse theory of evolution.


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