Re: Don't get me started

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on December 08, 2005 at 19:31:42:

In Reply to: Don't get me started posted by Leland Crooks on December 08, 2005 at 16:56:51:

That being a direct result of the power of the insurance lobby and their ability to skew the debate towards the straw-man of frivilous lawsuits.
By taking the spot-light off of what amounts to criminal profits and mis-use of funds the insurance pirates have managed to reduce the debate to a sham and a mockery of civilised discourse.
And our current administration supports their every whim. Thats why you will never get decent health care. It is in the process of becoming a welfare system where the rich get excellent care for fee for service and the rest of us get marginal or worse care from the insurance pirate run health care system.
I sympathise with you and all of the people I know who are victimised by this mafia style enterprise. And what do our elected representatives do? They make it impossible for those with crushing medical debt's incurred through illness to ever dig their way out of trouble by creating impossibly strict medical banckruptcy rules.
Here in New York the better physicians are all going fee for service so they can escape the piratical attacks from the insurance companies.
The rest are seeing offices full of people who have no money and the worst diagnoses. Or the very elderly with no resources.
But hey; were're building hospitals in Iraq; nice new medical facilities for all those people.
No money for the folks in New Orleans though.


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