Well Uncle Joe...

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Posted by PakProtector [ ] on November 23, 2005 at 13:41:55:

Back to re-writing history again Mike...
::::It is time that this one came to an end. Are you going to be part of the problem, or part of the solution?:::::

Lefever"I don't negotiate with net terrorists. Not ever. I only responded to your post in which YOU invoked my name and attempted to trash my products and company and make multiple false claims and statements.

I tried to (in as gentlemanly way as possible) just respond by saying that your claims are not true."

So that's a "NO"...or "I'll be part of the problem" I guess, too bad.

I did not attempt to trash anything of yours( or even something you claim to be yours ). I said that I did not feel it made spec( and since I am the one writing the spec...). Your idea that your products are all that is required for perfect tube audio projects is laughable.
Hell, you don't even understand why it might be a good idea to gap a Nickel core.

Nor have I made any false statements. Not one.

Just like the idea that you behave in a gentlemanly fashion. I ask again, are you going to un-publish my private email? That is a quite gentlemanly practice, right?

This other issue, my involvement in the design of the phase splitting IT/autoformer only came about when I was quite upset with yor behaviour. Your public misrepresentation of the design content made it an issue I felt worth pursuing. Sorry that it bothers you. The truth seems to have that effect on you.

As to being banned from AA's DIY forum, if they enforced their own rules, you'd be banned along with me. But we all know that is not going to happen. Over there you are clearly more equal than me. So what? I don't publish there anymore anyway. You pursue me over false claims of Intellectual Property, yet you are happy to exist where it is stolen from you on a daily basis( or do you pay for the privelege to have it stolen?).

and this:::I believe that you had in excess of 250 posts that were taken down off of several boards on the asylum for violating the bans on flaming, baiting and trolling.

Looks like proof that you are more equal than me over there, and immune to the rules. How many of your posts were taken down? how many of your RAT posts *SHOULD* have been taken down?

As far as the terrorist goes, the only threat is a legitamate one: I can make better stuff for less cost than you. No wonder you are being so nasty...must be a bad feeling to live under such threats all the time. Or worst of all, that your loving public who kisses your backside might actually find out how much you don't know.

It is just me you're after, and the sooner you can admit that to yourself, the sooner we might be able to put a stop to this. However, judging from your exchanges with Jute, I doubt you have any interest in behaving yourself like an honourable gentleman.


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