Re: Let's look at some facts...

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on November 14, 2005 at 12:08:15:

In Reply to: Re: Let's look at some facts... posted by Mr Vinyl on November 14, 2005 at 10:56:12:

So whats your opinion?
Should I list all the insults Coulter uses in her essays? Are you really saying that isn't so?
Do you really want to go over the legal aspects of the Correzine case?
Those Judges were given upwards of a thousand pages of testimony to review. So where do we start? Just because your political organisation picked through the testimony and chose whatever suited their position should we now retry the case and look at all the evidence? That selective approach works both ways.
Do I really need to quote Coulters statements to you? Are you denying she insults people?
Here I'll do a couple for you.

"The swing voters;- I like to refer to them as idiot voters because they don't have philisophical principals. Your either a conservative or you're a liberal if you have an IQ above a toaster."

From her book which I will not name to give out the free publicity. I can get you dozens of these if that makes you happy but it means nothing because by denying that she writes the stuff she does you re-inforce my position that you are not truthfull.

Rush copied Grant. End of story. Listen to him and find out or expect me to provide all the information for the debate. I won't.

The Corazine case is first of all a state case and I don't have the New Jersey State Constitution. Second the points your friends make are nothing but opinions. Their opinion of what makes settled law. My opinion is just as valid as theirs is.
I showed you where in the constitution there is a privacy right and I never heard another peep out of you regarding that.
Thats what you do. Ignore whatever doesn't fit your scheme.
I ask what you think that The Ninth and Tenth Amendment means and ...nothing. Or now I'll get someone elses opinion in a link.
Do you have opinions that are not someone elses??


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