Re: Nice; Rumsfeld opens new prisons on the site's of the old concentration camps.

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on November 05, 2005 at 11:36:57:

In Reply to: Re: Nice; Rumsfeld opens new prisons on the site's of the old concentration camps. posted by Bob Brines on November 05, 2005 at 10:22:32:

While the approach might be extreme and reading past posts you would see that such a statement is out of character for me; this concept of hidden and secrective holding yards in east bloc countries for people suspected by the Bush administration of crimes; and offered no legal counsel; piled on top of the Abu Ghraib incident that did not even result in any punitive action for the leader of that debacle is so severe in its implications that the entire civilised world is in an uproar? And you want to suggest that I should restrain my comments?

As an American such an action should be repugnant to and protested by every citizen; chastising me as a poster for whatever suggestion I may have made; however rediculous, seems to beg the question.
This Rumsfeld has by his sanctioning of this behaviour sacrificed any claim to the courtesy of reasonable debate.
There is no crime as heinous as the sequestering, torturing and interrogating of unindicted suspects in secret cells.

It's Unamerican.

So if my analogy is simplistic and lacking subtlety the feeling's behind it are certainly not and I make no apology.

BTW; who are those others? You don't mean my friend MR. Vinyl; just because we argue doesn't mean I don't respect the guy. He has cojones'
and speaks his mind. Thats o'kay by me.


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