Re: Tube Issues vs. Cable Issues

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Posted by mike.e [ ] on June 23, 2004 at 02:21:14:

In Reply to: Tube Issues vs. Cable Issues posted by Dean Kukral on June 19, 2004 at 07:23:44:

I posted a big long post,but my OPERA browser went stupid when i treid to open a new window :P

il type some again

∙Skin effect
None of the 3 things seem to be an issue from what ive read.

Ive grown up with transistors,i think they sound fine! i havent heard a valve amp.Down here in NZ hifi is far apart.

I really find it disgusting how the companys seem to be setting the price for cables, and theres this relativistic idea that lots of products are 'good'but you have to 'match' products with each other
< even if unconciously of similar $$$$ value matched up>

Im all for value for money,Top performance for dollar-ness
Kitset amps,DIY speakers,and choosign your own pros and cons when designing things,or using some one elses diy design :-)



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