Re: nope, not a chance!

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Posted by Bill Martinelli [ ] on October 22, 2005 at 21:27:31:

In Reply to: Re: nope, not a chance! posted by manualblock on October 22, 2005 at 16:12:07:

I understand your concern John. I disagree when it comes to Gates though. Consider this if you will. Gates doesn’t strike me as snobby rich people. He studied hard, got smart, dropped out, started up a thing and got lucky? or had a not such a bad idea of a product and it took off? He teamed up with other smart people and builds a powerful position. I'm pretty jealous but I think he paid some dues.
He lives a modest life for all he has amassed. Does he have anything he wants, and material things beyond your wildest imagination? Of course he does. He is now one of the richest men in the world.
This is a guy who did work for it. He did not earn his money the old fashioned way, by inheriting it.
Still yet, He gives a lot of it away. He very well may have given away to charity more than the number two richest guy in the states has earned. I don’t have the numbers but it's a lot.
I don’t need Bill Gates to tell me how to live my life either. But for the richest man in the world to take a stand with our kids today that all is not a painted picture and your going to have to think your way and work your way through a few things. Well, that’s OK by me.
To bu lucky is the icing on the cake. a definate PLUS!


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