Re: better qualified than....

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Posted by Bob Brines [ ] on October 05, 2005 at 17:20:59:

In Reply to: Re: better qualified than.... posted by manualblock on October 05, 2005 at 16:41:53:

Boy, you sure have an uncanny ability to miss the point when faced with sarcasm and hyperbole.

There are NO privacy right specified in the Constitution other than those specified in the Bill of Rights -- amendments. Any rights conferred upon the people of the Republic are contained in the Declaration of Independence. The Constitution is simple the enabling legislation. I'd be very interested to see where you find a right to an abortion. Please quote chapter and verse.

Now, before you get your panties in a wad, I am not arguing the moral issue of abortion. I am arguing the legal issue. So don't start sending me pictures of aborted fetuses. YOU DO NOT KNOW WHICH SIDE OF THE MORAL ISSUE I AM ON!!!!!!

I'm sorry you do not like the Constitution and the framework the Founding Fathers left for us. Your solution is for the courts to ignore the Constitution and any law passed by the Congress and the various states when a higher moral standard requires it. But who screams depends on whose ox is being gored. Throughout most of the later half of the 20th century, the conservatives screamed because the courts were packed with liberals. Now the liberals are screaming because the courts are being packed with conservatives. If the courts followed the Constitution rather than their moralistic whim, no one would be screaming, or maybe everyone would be softly whimpering. If you feel the need to change the Constitution, you must amend it. You cannot simple ignore it.



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