Re: Janet Jackson

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Posted by Cheetah [ ] on September 22, 2005 at 08:11:54:

In Reply to: Re: Janet Jackson posted by Bill Martinelli on September 20, 2005 at 14:22:05:

I usually don't find myself in agreement with you guys. Our political leanings are 180 degrees apart. But on this topic, I couldn't agree more.

I don't believe in capital punishment for deterence sake. Although it does gaurentee that the person punished thus, will never be able to kill again.

No. My stance on capitol punishment is that in not condemming the murderer; when said murder is committed with forthought, malice and cruelty; we send a subtle message to the victim's survivors that the scumbag's life is more prescious to us than the victim's life.

I'm not an eye for an eye type. But in the case of the type of henious acts you guys are talking about, the taking of one life really does demand the taking of another.

There is no other way to see justice done.



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