Re: Pheew!

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Posted by PakProtector [ ] on September 20, 2005 at 05:18:37:

In Reply to: Re: Pheew! posted by Bill Martinelli on September 18, 2005 at 21:26:33:

Hey Bill, just to clear up one thing: there is *NO* patent to infringe upon. This ongoing issue with Mike has very little to do with what sort of design I choose to base my E-Linear modifications on. Remember one of his posts a while back, it is a 1948 design. He is no fool, he knows that there is no protection offered to the design.

Patent a TX winding, and you must put its content and winding methods down for public inspection. I wish it had ben patented, all of them, because it would have expired and the record would still be a matter of public record. As it is one must destroy an original, working device. Mike's descriptions of the troubles involved with taking apart burnt ones is enough make me wary of that process.

It is more about blood, and how much can be spilled. Do you really think that winning the Jute war when Andre was removed from the scene changed Mike's way of doing business? Or his propenisty to fight over a loss of face? Have you ever seen Mike carry on a public disagreement with anybody over a technical issue w/o calling into the fight everything else he could lay his hands on?

It's OK, 'cause after all the BS he has subjected me to, like publishing my email on his MQ site w/o permission, I would not cry if some of his blood spilled.

My request for contact is an indication that I would rather see a negotiatd settlement, one which both of us will be able to live with. What I want and what I need and what I am likely to get are three diferent things afterall.


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