My views on cable: transparent

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Posted by akhilesh [ ] on May 08, 2004 at 11:52:05:

In Reply to: Re: Cables - my worthless opinions posted by wunhuanglo on May 01, 2004 at 13:38:31:

I agree that almost all cables sound just the same. However, in my system, transparent audio cables (you'll never see them advertise in sterophile) did make a distinctly audible difference. SO i use them. They are expensive, but used, they are worth it.
The difference is becuase of the passive network boxes they put in the cable, that restrict the bandwidth of the cable from carrying high freq noise that can apparently distort music. And you know what... it works for me sicne i can hear the change quite clearly.
On the web transparent has been knocked around (mostly by other cable people i think) but IMHO they work really well. The transparent plus is the level i have...their interconnefcts and speaker combinations certainly took my system to the next level or two. YOU can go higher, but then we are talking mucho dineor, and the difference may not be huge.
my 2 cents, based purely on lsitening.


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