Drug addicts anyplace have problems!

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Posted by Bill Martinelli [ ] on September 04, 2005 at 22:57:18:

In Reply to: Re: 2 B A Drug Addict in NO posted by manualblock on September 03, 2005 at 20:34:52:

I sure hope Charlie will be rebuilding and wired back into the web before too long.

Anyone who thinks the government didn’t take too much time or dragged their feet getting help and assistance to the gulf coast for this storm would be a short lived person if they had balls to voice that opinion in one of the area's that is still being evacuated.
Did the locals fall down on the job? Maybe so, but the feds knew this was going to be a major disaster before it even hit. There could have been trucks and supplies waiting upstate for the first break in weather.

Hind sight is always a great thing and what I can see pretty clearly is that there are people who are not capable of handling this kind of situation. Does it matter if they are elected or hired? Political or private sector? The people heading up organizations and groups cant be allowed to sit around in wonderment.

To think, FEMA did a study in NO itself, just last year as a practice run from the threats of the big hurricane last fall. Among other things it was found that the levees would most likely fail with a category 3 and greater hurricane and the city would flood.

The idea of people looting grocery stores for food and supplies although not legal should be acceptable under the emergency situation for survival.
The looters taking things not needed for survival, raping and pillaging the communities, shooters and gangs running like dogs should all be corralled up like the animals they are and sent to Guantanamo.
For that matter, the gas stations that all raised the price of gas this past week for product still in their holding tanks should be spanked equally. Nothing like a little supply and demand frenzy to rile up a good gouging.


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