Re: To Manualblock (& Co) - a picture from summer vacation

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Posted by Damir [ ] on September 04, 2005 at 12:54:04:

In Reply to: Re: To Manualblock (& Co) - a picture from summer vacation posted by manualblock on September 04, 2005 at 09:29:02:

It`s early-romanic architecture, place where early Croatian kings were crowned. Archeological excavation in this area showed many 7-12st century objects, and some objects and necropolis of older cultures. Almost all ancient nations had those sacred places.
In little town Nin, near this place there is even older church, about 9th century.
Actually, the weather is not that nice that day, and we turned to history... It`s not sharp picture (low light) - the one of the reasons for "analog feel" of digitally made photo...:-)
Hey, if I have your E-mail, I`ll send you a full resolution photo, promised...:-)
There`s another one, from just finished modern higway all the way to the seaside. No, I didn`t drive and shoot, there`s a traffic jam at the entrance of 5,7km long tunnel. There were lot of turists!


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