Re: You are correct

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on September 04, 2005 at 08:04:57:

In Reply to: You are correct posted by colinhester on September 03, 2005 at 21:15:59:

I am sure you have those my friend; they are filed next to the area 57 section, right?
And the Alligators in the NYC sewers are a real threat.
Gotta love those bloggers; idle hands and all that.
I used to read the blogs a couple yrs ago; but they seemed to ratchet up the bad craziness as more and more of them went online and they vied for attention; now it's not only pointless even reading the good ones, it's actually sad that these people ruined the whole concept of the citizen journalist.
Another idea brought to you by technology run amok.


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