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Posted by manualblock [ ] on August 29, 2005 at 14:48:45:

Reading Wayne's post below I see a sincere man who has a strong desire for fairness and gentility. Some of the political posts appear rather harsh and at times abrasive and lacking a fundemental respect for some of our institutions and men of authority.
Where does this come from, we might ask. I will offer my reasoning.
After 9/11 there was a unification of our nation and a worldwide congruence of awareness of exactly how important the concepts of liberty and democracy are to the continuation of the concept of civilisation and what it means and why we seek and strive to accomplish it.
These criminals united the world more thoroughly than any other event including WW II. Remmember many countries lost citizens in that tragedy.
Our president went to the site and proclaimed that we would capture and punish these criminals and that there was no place under the sun they could hide or run that we would not find and punish each and every member of that terrible gang.
The single largest array of crime fighting agencies ever gathered in the history of the world were at our disposal. And these men were eager for vengeance and skilled enough to accomplish it.
The list is one of massive and dedicated men of law enforcement capable of any brave sacrifice including laying down of their lives to get these criminals.
From Scotland and Scotland Yard; Irael and the Mossad; Canada and the RCMP; France and the DGSE; Germany and Spain; Japan and Russia. They offered there help willingly and exstensively. With the cooperation of these men there was no chance of those surviving members of AL Queda to flee or hide.
We had another plan. Our heads of state were all ex-oil men; Halliburton, Shell..we all know the story.
I live and socialise on a daily basis with the firemen and police officers that cleaned up the site of the bombings. At first Bush was their hero; he could do no wrong. They were convinced he would chase these criminals to the ends of the earth and they all wanted and prayed for a shot at one of them.
Now; well let me put it this way. They ain't happy. They feel betrayed that this Osama still walks around; that our Pres alienated every country on earth in his greedy grasping for oil and wealth for all his friends. No one wants to provide any help to us because they distrust this megalomaniac.
So that is why we feel this way. No amount of websites will change that until a new president with honor and integrity is returned to this nation and gets that bad guy.
Too bad Jimmy Stewart isn't here to remind people of who we really want to find and destroy.


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