Re: wal-mart

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on August 18, 2005 at 13:29:25:

In Reply to: Re: wal-mart posted by Damir on August 18, 2005 at 11:40:06:

Damn; that is an interesting post. Can you explain what you mean by "realtime" and how you group the organised cultural signifigance of economy,human relationships, small companies and families?
What do you mean when you say everything is falling apart?

Let me give you a scenario. Here in America we are divided along the political divide and I am sure you see that in the media over there. But there are big differences between say a republican Bush supporter in New York and the same thing in say, Iowa. Thats a state in the middle of the country.
Whereas here in New York there is the Stock Exchange and Big bank hdqrtrs and defense contractors; Iowa is a mostly rural state, with big factory farms.
The people in NY that support Bush do so for mostly economic reasons. He is business freindly; supports shielding corporations from liability lawsuits; supports the elimination of envirenmental rules that hamper business and promotes the liquidation of public support systems like Social Security. So the Wall Street guys love him especially the stock markett.
In Iowa people believe that Bush is fighting some war on terror and that makes him some kind of hero. They don't believe that this Iraq thing is about oil and they support the war as a weapon against terrorism. Now in NY or Massachusetts or other of the eastern seaboard states that story doesn't fly even with the most hardcore Bush supporters They like him because they feel he is securing the oil for us that we will need in the future; but they know this terrorism thing is forever and he is not really having any effect on it one way or the other.
I tell you this to see if you read the situation that way over by you.


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