Re: My Hero!

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on August 15, 2005 at 15:53:20:

In Reply to: Re: My Hero! posted by Wayne Parham on August 15, 2005 at 14:44:51:

The problem is even if her positions on the geo-political landscape are slightly wide of the mark to put it mildly; it don't change a thing regarding her loss and our continuing travesty in Iraq. Why make her a symbol of anything other than a greiving mother who wants some face time with Bush.
What; her opinions are cockeyed? Want to see some opinion polls released last week that asked a good sample of citizens exactly who attacked the Towers? Can you guess at some of the answers? Russia was in there somewhere.

Because she is against the war and lost her son she is supposed to become a Disreali? A genius? Half the people on the street can't name their states senator; come on, what are we dealing with here.
And if I was someone who bought the WMD story I would not say another word. How many still spout that nonsense?


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