Re: This is just fabulous

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on August 14, 2005 at 08:47:08:

In Reply to: Re: This is just fabulous posted by colinhester on August 13, 2005 at 21:27:27:

No problemo. You brought up the best point of interest in a long while. When you said the music sounded good or bad depending on which system you used; that is the real sticking point of this DIY thing and as a matter of fact there has been some discussion of this issue on the Joelist. How even with all of the efforts of some pretty talented guys it still seems the pros can do it better.
I will think this over; but I posted on the SD forum my experience with the Decware top-line speakers and amps and how some of my favorite CD's sounded like crap on them. And how only a certain type of pop jazz managed to sound really good, but that type of music REALLY sounded good.
But nothing else did.
Good heads up noticing that.


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