Re: Krispy Kreme

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on August 11, 2005 at 11:55:07:

In Reply to: Krispy Kreme posted by Wayne Parham on August 11, 2005 at 06:02:45:

Those donuts never tasted as good as Dunkin' Donuts anyway. In fact they sucked up here; maybe not in the original location. Yep; Dunkin' Donuts are the best. But let's look at the greed of the Franchisee's. They knew upfront that the normal franchise model does not sell the equipment at inflated prices; most don't even sell the equipment. And as soon as you see the word Derivitives in your Corporate report, run. There are so many red flags in this company that who would buy a franchise or approve the loans or any thing else about it. So the guy from Enron is brought in to bail them out. Great.
To keep it short; no one should have been buying franchises or purchasing stock in this company; but they did, why?
If you look to strike it rich; there are twenty guys ahead of you. Thats the Krispy Kreme motto. I remmember when they expanded into New York, lots of guys were touting the stock as a winner. My buddy told me, you buy this Donut all you will get is the hole.
The Sheep always get sheared.


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