Re: Patriots/Nationalists

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on August 01, 2005 at 09:49:24:

In Reply to: Re: Patriots/Nationalists posted by Wayne Parham on August 01, 2005 at 02:35:05:

What I am driving at is if you can seperate the two concepts and see the meaning in the terms you can begin to divide the value of what matters as citizens from the exploitable political arena.
Everyone over 10 knows all information is manipulated; I get this all the time from the kids. Its done in all walks of life. But a person cannot be manipulated unless they allow it.
I do not believe people are easily manipulated. If that were so; there would be no need for the advertising industry to spend litterally billions of dollars on opinion profiling and testing and campiagns designed to provoke behaviour. It would be much simpler than that if it were true we can be easily manipulated.
People act based upon self-interest and a personal belief system resulting from what we are taught and experience.
As Nationalism is expressed we react to rage against the people who did 9/11. We look to strike back and as long as there is even a slim tie to the event we don't care. Just get the troops out and show the bastards whats what.
But over time we reflect and resume our real nature. Now the polls show most people are against the war. Why such a change? Because our Patriotic nature emerges and we realise we care about our fellow citizens dying over there.
Simplistic? Maybe; but I believe it is how humans behave.
They are not easily manipulated; they react to events that evoke a response from thier personal philosophy.
Thats why I don't care what anyone says about audio or politics; I know what is right.


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