Re: digital radio vs analog radio

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Posted by granch [ ] on March 23, 2008 at 00:36:58:

In Reply to: Re: digital radio vs analog radio posted by Wayne Parham on October 25, 2007 at 14:20:08:

AHA! I always wondered why we tended to view many things alike. Now I know. As a retired BTL dept head (1987) I vass dere Charlie when most of that good stuff was a building. In fact I am the individual who persuaded the AT&T management to develop PCM as the T1 carrier system. That was in late 1954. Corporate espionage quickly spread the word and the rest of the biggies got their old investigations of digital off the shelf, blew the dust off of them, and started hacking too. The original invention dated back to the 30's but was largely ignored except for some classified work during the war. Reason: thought to be expensive and unnecessary. My contribution was to explain how they could save buckets of money with "digital". "Why didn't you tell us this before?" was the reaction from upper management. No one had thought of doing that. I did it because I had been asked to see if PCM could help reduce the cost of short range transmission in congested areas like central cities. The answer was a resounding Yes! Hence, the digital age-Dick


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