Re: Happy New Year! Let's get this party started!

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Posted by akhilesh [ ] on January 15, 2004 at 13:22:44:

In Reply to: Re: Happy New Year! Let's get this party started! posted by Wayne Parham on January 02, 2004 at 02:07:10:

NAD c541i here, and also a sony xa20ES. I agree with Wayne, any good $500 CD player today is WAYYY better than a $3500 dollar CD player from even 5 years ago.
AS proof, I went over to a local dealer and borrowed a krell HAV 300CD, a $3500 machine in 1998 thaat got GOOD reviews in stereophile. I AB'd it in my system with the NAD c541i (a $500 machine in 2003, that is now available for $375).

While the Krell had slightly better detail, there was unfortunately a metallic quality to it that just did not sound right. Violins felt like the musician was using a metallic bow. It was just not as musical as the nAD C541i, which is pretty good at detailing also, but which has a more musical sound.

ANyways, the experience convinced me to not buy older stuff in the digital world, but to buy a new DAC. SO i am saving up for one!


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