Interesting DAC Bargain - $135

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Posted by FredT [ ] on August 15, 2005 at 14:19:47:

Here's one that's hard to believe, but there are some favorable reviews of it on the web, so I ordered one to see (and hear) for myself. It's a non oversampling DAC that uses eight parallel DAC chips, much like the Audio Mirror DAC, with OPA 602 op amps, for $135. I did a special order with eight-pin op amp sockets instead of the standard model on which the op amps are soldered directly to the board and can't be changed easily. I plan to swap out the 602's for the much preferred OPA627's. Total cost including the eight-pin sockets and air shipping to Houston is $176. The DAC-AH can be seen under DAC's at

I noticed there are several other dacs including a 6922 tube output model, the DAC-72 for $280, and several others including upsampling models for more. It would be nice if someone ordered one of these and let us know how it sounds. I'll post my impressions of the DAC-AH later.

Here's the link to a review by someone who did an op amp and coupling cap upgrade. This is where I learned the seller will accommodate special upgrade requests like op amp sockets. Kewl!


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