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Posted by SteveBrown [ ] on October 29, 2006 at 18:44:22:

In Reply to: Re: Turns out that finishing cherry is like making a perfect Martini posted by bill epstein on October 28, 2006 at 19:46:37:

You know me, frozen glasses, but booze right off the bar. At any rate, here's what I've picked up on cherry (my favorite wood). Once you've sanded as fine as you want, leave it rest for a few weeks (I know, nearly impossible) but somehow the oils in the wood and the pours all come together after a nice rest (I like to put my stuff in the sun if I can). Then Tung Oil only. I've tried Watco both natural and Danish, and just plain old Tung works best for me. I like to do several coats. I have a small amp base that I did this way, but admit it is a pain for larger pieces. But even recently I tried Danish (like on my big speakers) and okay, the finish looks like Danish oil, but there is not the "gain pop" you talk about. No depth, no deep character. At any rate, glad to hear the base is coming along! Love to see them when done!


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