More methods of work -- Hookup of speaker to termination

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Posted by lon [ ] on January 08, 2004 at 12:52:34:

I have seen a couple of methods both soldered and unsoldered
for hookup of the speaker or speakers inside the enclosure
to the termination cup or individual binding posts.

What do the readers here do to make this connection?

What I've found so far is that a quick disconnect system
is preferred so that the hobbyist can change things around.
Other reason for pressure connect rather then solder is to
make a cold solder joint which is considered better for

But how to bring all these things together? I am using
the Radio Shack 1197 in a pipe project. The connecting lugs
on that are teeny tiny. So what sort of pressure connector
system works on these?

I have included one method that does show some soldering
but also can be quickly connected/disconnected.

(not real good at cutting and pasting into this message
board though...)


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