Re: saw purchasing

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Posted by Bill Martinelli [ ] on March 11, 2005 at 23:18:17:

In Reply to: saw purchasing posted by jim denton on March 11, 2005 at 09:53:04:

There are two ways to look at the purchase of a table saw. the first being for smaller portability and ease of ripping stock, more or less for construction, remodeling and casual use. These saws all do a decent job. Cut relatively straght and make simple task out of project that with other saw and guides are a chore and work out for your brain always making new setups and configurations just to cut a square piece with a round saw. These smaller table saws are great for what they are designed for and you will be happy you have it.

Now for the second level of commitment. If your desire is to be a cabinet maker or at the least be a cabinet maker as a full time hobby. The table saw is the heart of your shop. The heart of all your work. Buy the best you can afford. this is the commitment of a liftime for unless your turn pro and start buying sliding tables as workload demands. your table saw of choice will be the heart of your shop for the rest of your life.

Funny, I remember always having to measure the fence from the miter slot for and aft the blade for every rip. Now saws have such nice fences that when you set the fence on the mark, it really cuts to that length. Nice rulers aren't good enough? you can even have a DRO these days for your rip fence!

The bottom line I see is that if its a small portable saw, contractors saw, cabinet saw or full blown slider. this is the saw that your work will evolve around. From trimming to rabetts.



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