Re: You've entered the no carving zone !

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Posted by gonefishin [ ] on December 22, 2003 at 15:27:33:

In Reply to: Re: You've entered the no carving zone ! posted by Bill Martinelli on December 22, 2003 at 14:58:13:

Thanks for the comments (could you guys work on a reply with quote feature?)

These things are definitely hard...I think I've used some steel that was softer than the Ebony...sheesh.

One of my wonders about these woods. How do they router? I could imagine that the bits have to be kept sharp...but are there any other concerns?

I have noticed that these woods (especially cocbola) are extremely oily. Thanks for the tip on gluing. Is there any concern to using this oily wood on the top plate of a tubed preamp or tube amp? I wouldn't imagine the heat from the preamp tubes being much of a concern. But, could the heat from a power amp have adverse effects on the oily wood? perhaps drying it out...or...whatever???

Also...some of these woods are sooo darn purty, you'd be a fool to do anything to the finish. But...with that said. Are there enough oils in the wood to act as a natural protectant...or do these woods need to have some sort of finish applied...not to beautify...or to add an effect...but to protect the wood???

oh so many questions??????



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