Re: Have you seen Zarniwoops..........

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Posted by jlharden [ ] on December 17, 2003 at 22:26:42:

In Reply to: Re: Have you seen Zarniwoops.......... posted by BillEpstein on December 17, 2003 at 18:59:27:

I remember reading that zarni grounded the pot and after your post decided it couldn't hurt anything. I went for it and it made an improvement. Ella is tolerable now. I'm pretty anal when it comes to noise though, will keep trying to eliminate the rest. Spent the better part of the weekend rewiring the amp. Completely disconnected the toroidal transformer and started over twisting and rerouting all the wires. Also rewired the input and volume pot wiring with twisted pairs of magnet wire with braided copper shield. My amp has the power supply choke installed. Do you happen to have the wiring schematic so I can determine if the wiring is correct? I've been through about everything else. BTW....I reheated the joints on the output jacks. Took all 950 degrees my solder station had to get a nice hot joint! Not a real good design on those jacks. Otherwise Ella is getting better the more I futz. I guess that's better than getting worse! Jerrod


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