Well, yeah but...

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Posted by wunhuanglo [ ] on April 03, 2004 at 16:54:48:

In Reply to: Re: For Beginners posted by Bill Fitzmaurice on April 03, 2004 at 15:06:14:

Tuition at UNH this year is $8664. That's the number that compares to your 1971 tuition. Your daughter apparently didn't go to UNH, so that's not a fair comparison. But it is indicative of my point: Daddy, state school - Daughter private school.Everybody demands more and more all the time and then talks about two jobs "just to make ends meet".

Yeah, $6K a day in the hospital is steep. But 30 years ago I'll bet that it would have been three days, $3K and funeral expenses. $30K worth of drugs is serious business and I have to believe they bought your life.

I think I anger you because you have the impression that I drive a Lexus SUV and don't notice anyone else from inside my tinted windows. Far from the truth - I drive a Lexus 300, but I got it last year when both my parents died and it's 9 years old. They got it from my sister who gave it to them when she bought a new car. I certainly couldn't afford it on my own.

Yes, there certainly are a lot of people who struggle, and retail is the place to find them if you're not going to your local diner to talk to the waitresses. But my point was and is that far fewer people are in truly dire straits today than ever before, and many of the most vocal about how hard it is to make ends meet are much better off than their parents and grandparents were.


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