Re: For Beginners

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Posted by lon [ ] on April 02, 2004 at 21:33:27:

In Reply to: Re: For Beginners posted by Bill Fitzmaurice on April 02, 2004 at 16:26:43:

My collection of Speakerbuilder mags goes back to 1998 when
I discovered it by accident at the newish Barnes and Noble here
in Northeast Wisconsin. B&N also carried Glass Audio and Audio

And I think Ed Dell was right in combining those publications
under one masthead as _audioXpress_. But I still came in in the
middle of the party not knowing much about what was going on.

In a letter to Ed (email I think) I suggested that as a publishing effort, the best cue to take is from _Cooks Illustrated_ magazine.

_Cooks_ is what I'd call a "guys cooking mag." I subscribed to
it for a couple years... got about 2 years of it free for readers
tips I submitted. The thing about Cooks is that from issue to issue
they don't assume you know anything. Soooo, if they are talking about
frying chicken, there's a sidebar showing you how to cut up a
chicken _in every feature where cutting up a chix is required_. They
also have sidebars on "how food works" for the scientifically curious.

Where I'm going with this is that a style sheet approach and
archive of how-to articles has not been assembled or written by
anyone anywhere.

During the years since I first subbed to Speakerbuilder after
buying a few issues, I mostly looked at the pictures while understanding little of theory. To a great extent that is still the
case. But in recent times with the feedback and encouragement
available from AudioRoundtable and the Full Range Driver Forum I have actually assembled that first project described under the header
"boomtoobz". I am listening to the organ recital (Pipedreams,
Minnesota Public Radio) right now and am amazed at what I was able to make with a couple of closeout RS 1197s and some pretty long
lengths of PVC pipe. These look different than what I've linked
to as the inspiration for the boomtoobz. So far as I know it can
be considered something new.

That's a good feeling of accomplishment. But putting theory to
the project is a bit difficult even with Martin King's advice here.

I'm hoping that these things can come together so beginners such
as myself do not view the whole activity as the blindmen and the
elephant: one piece of info here and another some place else with the
critical bit in another place yet to be discovered.

That's why I show links from other sites' links and projects. At this time there seems to be no archival site for simple schematic
reading, board assembly, component gathering nor a style sheet for
for preparation of articles.


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