Re: A cuppla things about connectors

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Posted by Bill Epstein [ ] on October 13, 2007 at 20:32:15:

In Reply to: Re: Interconnects posted by Shane on October 12, 2007 at 23:16:36:

I've found that the 'serrations' on the hot pin of the Yarbo are a pain and may be tearing up the plating on the females sheath, for you Monty Python fans. Ouch!

Also, all the daytons I've tried are gold palte over cheap brass, or worse, gold over nickel over brass. The dayton banana adapters sound noticeably bad comapred with bare wire.

I would be suspicious of any connector that doesn't specifically state that it hasn't any nickel.

I've been delighted with Eichmanns (what a name, not his fault of course) and the brass Vampires. They cost a lot more than the ones in the link or the Daytons but make a difference I can hear, dammit. I suspect there is more to the connectors than to the wire or geometry.

Every once in a while I plunge for a pair of Vampire 800C which are gold over copper, no brass but very expensive. I now have enough for 1 pair of IC's. I'm doing that because of the great sound from a close-out phono cable I bought for 50 bucks that is terminated with the 800C. Can't be beat.

Also, I just replaced the AN silver speaker terminals on my 45 amp with solid, unplated copper Edison Price Music Posts. I can hear that change as well, more than any difference between the anti-cables, twisted pair Cardas Litz I made or some very expensive review cables I currently have on hand. The Music Posts also put a death grip on any spade. Finger tight means needing a screwdriver to get them off. No kidding.

Now, back to the game; Indians up 1-0, bottom of the third.


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