Spend the money on precision

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Posted by colinhester [ ] on March 24, 2007 at 11:19:10:

In Reply to: Newbee Tools posted by Cuppa Joe on March 24, 2007 at 01:07:14:

Don't blow big bucks on the drill, jig saw, sander, or other items that will not be used in precision cuts. Even a circ saw is a pretty crude tool, although when used with a saw board or guide can give acceptable resutls.

Spend money on a table saw, compound miter saw, plunge router and brad gun/compressor combo. Spend the money on top-notch blades. Spend money on squares and alignment tools.

Bosch and PC make nice tools, but our contractors swear by DeWalt.

I'm just building my first set of speaker cabs, and I'm finding the tools I use on a job site are mutually exclusive to what I use to build the cabs......C


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