Re: T-nuts, their care and feeding

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Posted by lon [ ] on February 10, 2007 at 17:05:05:

In Reply to: Re: T-nuts, their care and feeding posted by gfederys on February 02, 2007 at 08:53:49:

Wasn't back in here for a while.

Yes, I have the stuff to countersink and have done that for a tnut
but ran into the backing out probelm using one forward and one
backward. These would not draw down.

A fender washer has nothing on it to give a flush mount.

I would use those socket things made of plastic but I had a bad
experience with them. One time I had a set of kit speakers
and the the holes must have been drilled incorrectly and those
plastic inserts did not fit properly. So I wanted to use a
surface technique to avoid the headaches.


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