Re: Some simple Array questions

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Posted by Eric [ ] on April 08, 2006 at 18:01:43:

In Reply to: Re: Some simple Array questions posted by Jim Griffin on April 08, 2006 at 15:01:12:


Thank you for the response.

I guess I am trying to figure out how to quantify the difference between the $1250 Linus, the $2,400 Linus, and the assumed value of my 7002's.

I already know I will be getting better bass response musically out of a seperate sub. They are great for HT but lack in heavy music.

Here are some shots of the room:

Just for reference the ceiling is about 20' at the top, but should give you a general idea. Also the shot around the TV my Deftech's are sitting out about 10". The skylights screwed up the white balance so the colors are off quite a bit.

Its maddening to have such a big room with so little space

Is either array going to be 'superior' to my Deftech's?

In clarity, crispness, range of sound production and most importantly to me low volume reproduction.

My boss has a set of the very high end Wilson Audio's(15K range), in a room full of people even at the lowest volumes the sound fills the room and cuts through the conversation, mine get drowned out. Granted I'm not looking to compare to his speakers, just a general idea of one of the things I find mine deficient in.

If I go the cheaper route and build the Linus 2, is going to the Linus 3 a matter of swapping out parts or is the cabinet construction different?




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