Xover and line array

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Posted by JP Haggar [ ] on April 04, 2006 at 14:25:47:

So far I have built 2 speaker projects , one 3 way and one Back horn loaded with full range driver but none gives me the sounstage I had in mind = big life size filling my room L shape 60 sq meters with a lot of punch and a large sweet spot !!!when looking for a third project I found line arrays and I think that this system would deliver what I want . Could someone give me some feedback ? I found a few projects like : James's line array using PL14 vifa bass/mids and stryke audio ribbon ( I could substitute the stryke audio with the BG ribbon would this be better?), unfortunately I am not very good with crossover design and I couldn't find a diagram for the crossover of this project , but only a description of it , does anybody know where I can find help for this Xover ? did somoene already construct this speaker ? any comments would be welcome . I found also that GR Reasearch Danny is designning a new line array kit the LS 9 that seems to be a very good project but it seems that Danny has some delay with the woofer production (almost one full year now).
I have a budjet of around 2000 $ if someone could give me some advise I would be grateful.
JP Haggar


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