Dr. Geddes Position

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Posted by Earl Geddes [ ] on July 18, 2005 at 16:29:14:

In Reply to: Thanks for your help posted by Eric J. on June 28, 2005 at 11:58:07:


I must admit to being more than a little annoyed by the posts in this section. Normally I find it best just to ignore these kind of comments but since you asked here is my position. And I will be frank.

First lets be clear that I am an expert. I have expertise in virtually ever subject on this web site and in many I have an extreme expertise, in some, I am widely held as the expert. So when I choose to respond it is with an expert opinion, not a novice or an amatuer. This, I would think, would make my responses valuable. I find it annoying when my time is taken for granted and even criticized. This seems foolish to me if not a little disrepectful.

I don't always give a complete answer as the time does not permit (nor does anyone I would presume). Sometimes my answers are brief and I reference other work - not only my own. But, if I were to ask a question and an expert posted aresponse wherby I could find the answer, I would be apreciative. It would make no difference to me what-so-ever who the author of the reference was. What difference could it make? If it is a personal reference does that make it any less useful?

Was I trolling? I have no idea, I am not sure I even know what it means. I responded to a question of mutual interest with a short answer and a relevent reference. To me it was the gentleman who got perturbed because I was playing in HIS sandbox that is really the pathetic one.

These messages always have the author posted. If you don't like my style then don't read my posts. I am not "butting in" simply because the choice to read my post is the readers - no one is forcing them to read it.

These kind of discussions run a very real risk of driving the experts away simple beacuse of these kinds of petty issues. Why should I feel guilty about be an expert? Why should I be criticized for the same?



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