limiter operation

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Posted by lcholke [ ] on November 08, 2007 at 08:53:52:

In Reply to: Re: negative going signal posted by Lito on November 07, 2007 at 13:54:12:

Hi Lito,

What order xover are you using?

This method is very clever. It looks like the limiter limits the current surges/peaks to the speaker. I wonder if the energy being limited is made of frquencies outside the mid band.


Aphex 1788 mike preamp description:
"Microphone Output Limiter - All preamps have a maximum input level. Once that level is exceeded, there is no way to remove that very unpleasant distortion. In order to avoid that occurrence, many engineers set the preamp so that the expected peak level at maximum sound level is still at least 12dB below the clip point. While this provides some insurance against the preamp clipping, it causes a loss of noise performance and, in the case of digital, a loss of resolution. The Model 1788 has a unique limiter (patent pending) in the front end of the preamp which limits the output level of the microphone by as much as 20dB, hence the name 'Microphone Output Limiter'. This allows the engineer to get maximum noise performance and also allows maximum resolution for an analog to digital converter, all without worrying about crashing the preamp."


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