Re: Symetrical Array (and crossover issues...) Griffen? Craig?

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Posted by Greggo [ ] on October 19, 2007 at 20:30:56:

In Reply to: Re: Symetrical Array (and crossover issues...) Griffen? Craig? posted by marlboro on October 19, 2007 at 19:04:47:

Hey Marlboro, thanks for replying to my post... I have followed various threads regarding your project hear and have no doubts that they sound great. I know most go with the mid bass sizes you suggested, but even when 5 or 6 I still hear people focusing on high quality ribbons that can cross low (I think lower than the comb filtering limits on c-t-c would demand) as the path to the highest quality. I had mentioned this before in a post here back in July (just search on "Jordan") starting with the very expensive Jordan 2" units and didn't get much back other than alternative ideas. Dr Griffin replied to that as well, but seemed focused on the cost of the drivers (somewhat relevant I suppose) and the posssibility that with such a high lower end cut off of around 200-300 Hz they would require not just a supporting woofer line but a subwoofer line as well. I am not sure about that last point, but I definitely would not want to go 4 way. If building a 3 way line array (and I guess that is the heart of my posting here) what would be the best crossover points? I keep thinking something around 80-100 Hz for the woofer to mid-bass (so that one could use as small a mid-bass as possible but keep the lower range in the "non-directional" zone of 100 Hz )and around 3.5 kHz for the mid-bass to tweet (to keep the mid-bass as close to a wide range driver as possible, for more coherent vocals and less sensitivity to phase issues in the crossover where we hear them the best, around 2kHz according to some of the information I have read, or something very close to that...). The other part of my curiosity is going with symetrical mid-bass lines on each array speaker, per the exchange I saw between you and Rick Craig. I have been thinking about this since the Mcintosh design came out last year (or was it a couple years ago???) and wondered if there was any potential advantages.

I guess the bottom line is I am determined to think in terms of a 3-way, and I am curious about potential benefits of dual mid-bass lines to form symetrical arrays on each speaker.



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