Re: More questions?

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Posted by Marlboro [ ] on September 05, 2007 at 12:45:59:

In Reply to: Re: More questions? posted by Rick Craig on September 05, 2007 at 07:49:22:

And why would that be? I hate general blind statements that don't have any facts to support them, as if they are painfully obvious.

The Macintosh symetrical design speakers that you alluded to use a design that is similar in the speakers to mine, except that the vertical combing of the tweeters is a nightmare, and the horizontal combing is also a nightmare.

Are you saying that your proposed design using symetrical is better than the McIntosh, or are you just into dicing my design again. (I'm hoping that you have reasons and that its not the second, because then you have violated our agreement and freed me from it also.)



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