Re: I just recieved my DCX 2496

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Posted by thylantyr [ ] on May 14, 2007 at 12:07:11:

In Reply to: DEQX too expensive solution posted by jp on May 10, 2007 at 06:50:46:

>>I just recieved my DCX 2496 today. As you know already My arrays
>>are Rick's RS 8 using 8 fountek ribbons and 8x 7" dayton RS 180

Random notes.

1. When you use your DCX, follow proper audio system power up and
power down sequencing so you don't send transients to the drivers
that may harm them {usually tweeters}.

Power ON audio system;
1. Turn on sources first
2. Turn on the amplifiers last

Power OFF audio system;
1. Turn off amps first
2. Turn off sources last

If I don't follow this procedure and turn on the amps first,
then DCX, you get a popping sound that can damage sensitive drivers
like ribbon tweeters. Mids and woofers should be ok. I don't know
how robust the new Fountek composite ribbon is vs. aluminum found on others, but people have reported ribbon failure because of these
transients, etal.

An array of expensive ribbons blowing up wouldn't be sweet. If you
are ultra paranoid, some folks install a capacitor on each tweeter
in series to help with some issues manifesting {DC offset, etc},
I've been using fuses on my tweeters for a long time because I'd rather blow a fuse than an expensive tweeter. Fuse value is a variable depending on how hard you drive the tweeter and how sensitive it is to failure. Typically though, I may use 3/4A to 1A
AGC fast blow fuses with an inline fuse holder. {oddly enough,
the fuse spec sheets show the 1A blowing first than the 3/4A, lol}.

Maybe you can do a test with one tweeter, install a cap and fuse
and do some listening tests. I usually would start with a lower
amperage fuse, lets say 1/2A or 5/8A and run the system at normal
levels. If the fuse blows early, step up in value. If the fuse holds
up well, but blows when you crank it higher, then you are very close
to finding the optimum size. Pick a capacitor way outside the
intended crossover frequency range, ie if you cross at 2khz, find
a cap that crosses 1khz or less, polypropylene is nice, electrolytics arn't.

2. DCX can store setting in memory locations. This is a powerful
feature. I have 12 setting for my line array. These settings are
not required, you can just set up the system and leave it alone
or you can do something different because you can. I made a
methodology and programmed this into the DCX where setting 1 would
be a 'mellow' setup and gradually gets more aggressive in sound
up to program 12. You start with a baseline and change some settings
like crossover frequency, gain, EQ, etc, in small increments that
allows you to customize the sound for different situations. It's
kinda neat.

Here's how it works. Suppose you program five settings. Your friend
comes over and wants to audition the array. His taste will be
different than yours. To maximize his listening experience, you want
to find out which setting he takes preference too.

Load program 1 and have him listen for a minute or less. Then load
program 2, repeat. He will tell you 'I like setting 3 the best'.
His listening experience will be better because for some reason unknown, it just works out that way and he's happy. Your line array
is more successful in spite that you my like a different setting.

Jedi mind tricks


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