ART Array construction continues.... and a question

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Posted by Rich_M9999 [ ] on May 04, 2007 at 22:27:23:

After a bit of a lag in available time to work on the ART Arrays, I was able to get a few minutes this evening to test fit the drivers and mount the baffles. Per Fred's instructions, they are drying overnight. More will be done tomorrow and Sunday afternoon. I hope to get braces in, wiring in, damping material in, and enclosure sealed this weekend. We'll see if that can be done. BTW, pics will be going up on my website this evening or tomorrow (server down at the moment).

Question: I rounded the baffles with a 1/2 roundover bit. I read somewhere where this step is almost always a necessity.I'm not sure if Fred's instructions mentioned this step, but I went ahead and did it anyway. My question is this, will this affect the performance of the design? It is my understanding that a rounded baffle edge helps the sonic waves to wrap around the enclosure in a more uniform pattern. Maybe someone with much more knowledge than myself would have some advice here?

As always, thanks in advance for your help!!!


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