Re: Forgot Picture link

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Posted by RichM9999 [ ] on May 02, 2007 at 17:23:22:

In Reply to: Re: Forgot Picture link posted by colinhester on May 01, 2007 at 22:27:05:


You are more than welcome to post anything you wish concerning DIY on my site. Just click the email link and mail the info to me. I will try to get it up as soon as possible. If you wish to post pics over time, that's cool too. I understand the time factor thing. It seems everytime I get ready to do something, a wrench gets thrown into my plans.

As far as the grad school thing goes, The No Child Left Behind Act has thrown a bunch of the teachers in WV back into grad school. I'm not sure if it is because of WV's interpretation of the federal guidelines, or, if the federal rules are that stringent (it seems both are pointing fingers at one another). But, other teachers in nearby Ohio don't seem to be facing that issue. Anyhow, it's time I finally got my Masters, it's just the timeframe given us makes things a little inconvenient with kids and a full-time job.
I had been taking Summer classes here and there, but the new program we're in requires 45 hours in a very short period of time. I currently need 15 hours to complete it, and have about 18 months to do so. Hopefully, things can begin to normalize a little as I can slow down a bit.

As far as the ART Arrays are concerned, they are going to look sweet. Just opening the boxes when they came and seeing 18 drivers and those 4 HUGE port tubes got me excited. I plan to get the pics up of this project over the weekend. I'm going to make the time, period. I plan on a piano black finish to match that of the new plasma.

At any rate, keep in touch. Send me some stuff when you can and we'll get it up as soon as we can.
Rich Miller


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