Builders of ART arrays: Impressions?

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Posted by seeker [ ] on April 10, 2007 at 13:09:59:

After looking for listening impressions of the ART arrays, I’ve found a sampling, such as the following:

• they sound great
• Members of both of these groups commented very favorably on their sound, and I am well pleased too.
• The ART arrays are good sounding speakers, but they aren't anywhere near the same performance level as any of the Selah Audio line arrays.
• I really dig Fred Thompson's ART Array too. Sounds great, low cost.
• I was pleased with your speakers, Fred. The measurements look good and the speaker sounds good. Average sensitivity is 90dB and it's flat +/-5dB from 40Hz to 25kHz outdoors, standing upright.
• ART Array response through the difficult midbass is excellent.

So far, the most detailed I could find is from Fred’s “ART Arrays Compared to Straight 8's.”

How about some more detailed impressions from builders, as in the following areas?

Upper Range:
Vertical off-axis:
Horizontal off-axis:
Overall sound:
Fun Factor:
Imaging (width height, depth, pinpoint vs. diffuse):

Pros (of sound):
Cons (of sound):

Also, if you built these in order to tide you over until building more advanced designs, how long do you think you plan to use these before upgrading?

As for me, I have listened to the Alpha LS, and the IDS arrays, but have never heard any others (RMAF).

Sincere Thanks,



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