Re: ART Arrays for HT?

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Posted by FredT [ ] on April 01, 2007 at 21:28:00:

In Reply to: ART Arrays for HT? posted by Rich_M9999 on April 01, 2007 at 15:31:34:

The 16 ohm impedance makes them easy for tube amps to drive, but it doesn't negate the use of solid state amps and receivers. Most of the time I use a pair of Monarchy class A solid state amps with mine, and they sound very nice. I've also driven them with an $80 Sherwood stereo receiver I bought at Circuit City last year. Inexpensive receivers like this would be stressed into shutdown driving a four ohm speaker but they are very happy with a 16 ohm load, and a 94dB sensitivity line array can be driven to loud levels with just a few watts. They should be a good match for a solid state HT receiver in a relatively large room.


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