Re: Enclosure construction

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Posted by Aaron D [ ] on March 30, 2007 at 22:24:30:

In Reply to: Enclosure construction posted by eric on March 30, 2007 at 19:17:34:

That is awfully nice of you. You did not mention where you are located. I am in KS and even though it is in the middle of everywhere it seems to be in the middle of nowhere when an offer like this comes around. I would love to build a Selah designed array but the time is more of a consideration that the $$.

You seem to have a an affintiy for projects like this so what else are you working on? I am familiar w/ your B3S project that I think you plan on selling, correct? Stepping up to something bigger/better?

I really have not finalized (or even started drawing) what I want to do w/ the Selah design but I have lots of ideas. Unfortunately it is the "think big" approach that makes the time factor almost daunting. If you are building another LA I might consider opting to do something similar to make things easier on both of us.

The highlights of my enclosure design were a ported design (although I will probably not use them in a ported configuration) that breaks down in halves that can be stacked (easier to move and construct). I also wanted to borrow Selah's rounded back design. I am not sure how they do this but I have some ideas that I would need to experiment with (you probably have a better idea than I do). This thing would be big, 8 woofers/side @ .75cf a piece = 6cf

I am decent w/ functional design type work and would love to get some input in how to make an idea more "produceable".

You do not by chance have any way to use CATIA models for your manufacturing capabilities do you. I recently started learning CATIA V5 and mess around w/ speaker enclosure design concepts for practice. I have a rough IDS25 model I made for practice. It is interesting how many basic class concepts I used to do that thing.

Let me know what ideas you have.



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