Re: ART Array Performance

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Posted by Wayne Parham [ ] on March 14, 2007 at 09:58:16:

In Reply to: Re: ART Array Crossover Question posted by FredT on March 14, 2007 at 05:19:23:

I think your ART Array design is excellent, and measures very well. If you saw the actual unsmoothed measurements of a lot of speakers, you'd be horrified. What you see in advertisements is usually highly post-processed and smoothed, and sometimes isn't even at all close to actual performance. A few manufacturers are more careful to publish measurement that are more accurate, but even those usually have a fair amount of smoothing applied. Your speakers measured very well, so don't mis-interpret the measured response charts. True measurememts aren't the flat line with a few little squiggles that some manufacturers publish for their speakers.

In particular, ART Array response through the difficult midbass is excellent, largely due to the multiple path length distances which scatter floor bounce and average the response. I measured ground plane and standing upright and response didn't change. The difference in midbass measured upright compared to ground plane is usually very different because of floor bounce, but your ART Array is much more immune to placement. Response is good through the crossover region, and while there is a difference in the two variations, both are pretty good. The 1st order version measures flat from 40Hz to 30kHz +/-5dB, with no smoothing applied to the response chart. All in all, the ART Array is a very fine loudspeaker.


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