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Posted by Marlboro [ ] on February 22, 2007 at 08:56:40:

I'll start.

I’ve chosen to build a design that uses the full line of tweeters and line of woofers. I’ve also built it using Dayton ND20A ¾ inch neo tweeters, which I have cut the flanges to reduce comb filtering distortion to beyond 14,000hz. I have a word picture document that shows how I did that available by email. Since I’m using Neo dome tweeters, I’m also using original $17 Korean Sammi 3.5 inch mini-woofers which go down to about 100hz. The Sammi’s have a 3.5 mm xmax, exceptionally large for a 3 inch speaker. The crossover for the Sammi’s is 165hz and about 2600hz. I’m using 17 Sammi’s per side which go from about 6 inches of the floor to about 3 inches from the ceiling. Each Sammi is encased in its own sealed 23.5 inch pvc pipe, and stuffed with 4 lb/cu foot fiberglass fill. The tweeter line is 33 inches long, and involves 30 Dayton Neos per side. I have supplemented the two floor to ceiling arrays with a separate 12 inch DVC 15 mm xmax woofer for each side. Currently its in the 2.5 cu foot vented box of my previous speaker system. But I am building a 8.5 cu foot sonotube column design for them, which will lower the bass to about 17hz.

The system is Quad amped. Using RMS numbers, the tweeter amp is rated at 65 w/ch, the midrange/mid woofers amp is rated at 250 w/ch, and the 2 separate woofer amps are rated at 350 w/ch. I use a Rane 3 way electronic crossover with time delay, and a DOD constant Q equalizer. I have an Apex 220, and Macintosh Fuzzbuster sound graphing software to balance the system crossovers and equalization. The system is not Tapered. In my opinion most actual live music settings that are not in huge halls or outside exhibit wide vertical soundstage bloom, so having it in my own setting brings more of a live performance into the room. The system is designed to operate entirely in the near field for listening. Regular seating is about 9 feet from the speakers which keeps the tweeter array in the near field also.

I listen mostly to classical, including organ, with some rock, folk, Celtic, and blues. I avoid Rapp and most Jazz.

What does your line array look like?



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