Re: Line source Bohlender/ATC 's

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Posted by auplater [ ] on December 26, 2006 at 18:51:52:

In Reply to: Re: Line source Bohlender/ATC 's posted by Jim Griffin on December 22, 2006 at 21:18:42:

Thanks Jim..

The mid-woofs are peerless HDS 182's crossed over to the BG's at ~600 Hz, 12dB slope, with zobel... BG's take over from 600 Hz to whatever they'll do.. (taking advice from ThomasW re: lower xover point).. ATC 25" neoplanars (silver shiny planar) also in parallel with BG's (padded down to compensate for higher efficiency) also 2nd order (they're good to 18 - 20 KHz, as opposed to BG's 15KHz or so (not that I can hear much above that, but who knows, eh?). The leaf supertweeter forward facing is the venerable panasonic EAS-10th400, which picks up @ 7 KHz out to (infinity and beyond and a rear firing peerless silk dome wired out of phase for dipole use (the BG's and ATC's also dipole) So I guess they're 4 way, sort of...

These are augmented with dual sonotube 12" subwoofers arrayed to the sides of our living room ~ 1/2 distance to smooth out standing wave structure in-room.

They sound pretty darn good driven with a nak730 receiver, and a modified Adcom 555II.


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